Anyone (My mom) who slanders August as non-summer or part of the Autumn season make me weep.
For those of you who live in places with actual seasons, Summer in Canada ONLY basically goes through July and August, Which means we've already had to sacrifice June (PRIDE MONTH) to the perverse gods of "Spring", and I will NOT allow Autumn Heretics to take August from me! I will ignore ALL back-to-school ads before September! I will guard this holy ground before the cruel Canadian winter overtakes us all.
"OOOH BuT yoU'rE CAnAdIan You ShouLd lIKe aUtuMN thE LeAvES aRe sO prEttY" YEAH FOR LIKE 2 WEEKS AND THEN IT'S A SLOW DEPRESSING DEATH MARCH TOWARDS WINTER. You don't actually like Autumn (or "Fall", for the uncultured). You just like the two weeks of pleasant weather and pumpkin spice advertising. AND YOU OWE THAT WEATHER TO THE LINGERING EFFECTS OF SUMMER AKA THE BEST SEASON, AKA YOU OWE THAT WEATHER TO AUGUST YOU UNGRATEFUL PUMPKIN-SCENTED BASTARDS.
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