You know what I like? Wax chocolate dip.
I mean, other flavours are fine too. I just think chocolate is the best.
Can you imagine dipping soft serve in ACTUAL chocolate? Absolute nightmare. It'd probably be too thick and melt everywhere, while the waxy coating provides a light, satisfying crunch that also keeps the ice cream inside from getting melty too early.
People will go like "Oh but you're eating wax 😤😤This is basically wax😤" YEAH I KNOW. AND I ENJOY IT. YOU THINK I'D PREFER TO GET MELTY CHOCOLATE EVERYWHERE BEFORE I EVEN TAKE A BITE OF ANYTHING? (Yes, I bite my ice cream. Deal with it)
Okay. I sound way too angry about this topic, but I'm just saying that I know that it's wax, but it's edible so I literally do not care.
(Serious Eats)
EDIT: Okay, so I'm not sure what chocolate sprinkles are made of, probably not actual chocolate since that would melt way too quickly, but I like them. they taste chocolatey and provide just the right crunch and add more texture and flavour, as opposed to regular sprinkles, which are like sugary flavourless little razor blades in your mouth, disgusting. Something evil would be to just artificially colour sprinkles brown and wait for unsuspecting consumers to mistake them for chocolate sprinkles. The absolute cruelty of it...
On another note, I try to post every Sunday, preferably an art post or some other sort of "big" post, but that doesn't mean I won't post other miscellaneous stuff throughout the week.
Who am I talking to? No one reads this blog.
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